As an update to the story earlier on a guide on Terris-Thule summoning folks to certain death in Veeshan’s Peak, Alan “Absor” VanCouvering commented on EQ’s official boards today.
It seems that one of the Guides on the Terris-Thule server summoned several players into Veeshan’s Peak and bound them there. This caused them to die and respawn in the same spot. This could have caused them to die several times.
We have logs of the incident, and we can verify those that were affected. We will be using those logs to help us straighten this out. Of course we will be doing everything we can to rectify the situation to the satisfaction of those that were involved. We are sorry that this happened.
We do our best to accept guides that, well, won’t do this sort of thing. For the most part I think the Guides are a wonderful group of people, and we are all very pleased and grateful for the effort they give on behalf of their fellow players. I certainly hope that this one incident doesn’t give anyone a bad impression of the Guide program or its members.