Funcom [has] released patch 11.2 that has the sideeffect of corrupting the Win2k registry meaning you can’t even boot Win2k.
They released a fix on their forums
The fix is basically a guided tour through an emergency recovery operation:
You must boot from the Win2K CDRom and go into the Repair mode [R] . Click the C button to go into the repair CONSOLE..
Once in the Console go to your /WINNT/SYSTEM32/CONFIG directory and rename the SYSTEM file to SYSTEM.OLD
Then go to your /WINNT/REPAIR folder and copy the SYSTEM file form there to your /WINNT/SYSTEM32/CONFIG directory..”
Of course after I did this I still had to reinstall my network and sound drivers.
Word to the wise: Being a beta tester means you need to have your OS installation CD and your registration key code handy. It also means that when this happens, you are supposed to say “awww shucks” and then rebuild your system.
Oh, did I mention that AO went gold recently?