Players logging in to Asheron’s Call at this time receive the following message:
We are aware of a bug that allows a player to intentionally crash a server. We are working on a fix. PLEASE NOTE: Use of this bug may result in immediate removal from the game.
A review of the boards doesn’t reveal any further information, other than that this server crash bug is performed in-game, brings down a server block, and enables easy duping. Some are reporting bans. Some are reporting their duping goes well, and they’re leaving packs of valuable and rare equipment all over Dereth. And, surprisingly, the majority of the rest are calling for blood.
It’s common sense. If anything deserved a ban, would it not be deliberate disruption of the servers? Duping is just a nice side effect. “AC Team,” I think your test is here.
Update, 3:05 CST: New login message. The servers are down in preparation for a hotfix to a bug that allows a player to intentionally crash a server. Please check the State of the Network for continual updates. No ETA