AZILE’S LIKE, GONE, MAN [Author: wirehead]
Your Asheron’s Call authority fell victim to bandwidth duping over at Tradespot. (OK, not really, but what the hell, it sounded good at the time.) Here’s the scoop from the crazed maniac herself:
This is to inform you all that my Site is having problems getting back up and running, accessible and viewable by the rest of the internet due to having problems with the server changes they were doing to it. Now with the holidays upon us, it is very unlikly I will have the site working again properly until after the Holidays, perhaps as long as until the new year. I regret this downtime, but perhaps it is also a good time for me to take a break from it as well.
Hope you all have a good time with your friends and families over the holidays. Wish you all the best, Azile
So get out there and kill a Merc on Darktide, it’ll make her feel better.