Just got this from someone often banned from our message board:
Not only have your rants gone down hill but now it seems your a big fucking sellout. Hell you even made it on startics about being the “star” guest interview. I got an idea Why not just get down on your knees and blow these people while your at it. I mean they have been fucking us in the ass for about 2 years now. But you seem about the type of person to do anything to get in “good” with osi. Remember your elist comments about smurfs? Well your there pally, right there on your high horse, with shit all over your nose. What kinda of a loser actually makes an effort to go to these player meetings? I see you right next to chuck in the prozac line. You suck Lum face it. Look at what you have become, a sellout.
ChubChub Mookey
Normally I’d just let my entourage beat you up Puff Daddy style, but I think I’ll climb down from my ivory tower to answer this one.
I’m not “in good” with OSI. I’m not even “in-different” with OSI. In fact I’m told some of them even tried to get xrgaming.net to shut this site down. But that’s not important, I don’t feel the need to prove “street cred” or somehow assert my non-ass-kissing-ness to every J. Random Punk off Twister’s message bases. The fact of the matter is, you as well as every other swinging appendage in the universe can judge for yourself whether or not this site meets your personal criteria for independence, wit and poo-slinging. And you know what? If you think I’m full of shit, nothing is stopping you from doing it better. Web space is cheap (free if you can deal with ad banners). Go forth and do better, or just sit quietly in your corner and bitch a lot. Your choice.
As for whether or not my driving for a few hours to make fun of the Dev team qualifies as “sucking”, up or otherwise, well, I never claimed to be not ate up with it. I mean, I do a web site. That pretty much defines being ate up with it. And these things make for great source material. But again, if ya don’t like it, ya don’t gotta read it. Bye now. Y’all come back real soon, y’hear?