HURRIED, MANGLED THOUGHTS [Author: Eldin] as we have known it for the past two years is leaving us. It is a benchmark occasion I never thought I would see, though I knew the ride had to come to a complete stop one day. Perhaps I simply do not want to believe it.

Mys is leaving us, and no one will miss her more than I. Over the past seven months, I have spoken to her almost every day. I knew how difficult running this site could be, and I could only shake my head in wonder when she took more shit from the community than I could ever hope to. has always been about one thing and one thing only: the community. The writers, editors, and posters of the site have always come here for the community. Feeling a particular affection for all the people whom I have met and communicated with over the past two years, I\’e2\’80\’99m loathe to allow our little town center go.

So, I won\’e2\’80\’99t.

At this time, I\’e2\’80\’99m taking over the administration of the site until I can get in contact with the other editors and writers of the site. Here are the issues facing the site at present, and I hope to have them addressed and resolved before 9/30/2001.

— The site will obtain a new domain name. We will attempt to transfer as much content as humanly possible to the new site. Any writers, editors, and board administrators will be invited to stay with us and continue in their current capacity.

— The message boards will continue in either their current form or a new one of our choosing.

— Donations will continue.

I want to say a word about donations. The donations currently held by the site were given to for Thus, it would be unethical of us to use those donations for the new site without the input of the community, we\’e2\’80\’99d like to hear what the community would like to see done with the money currently held by the site. The money will either be given to charity or used to set up a new site. However, the editors will not make that decision. You will.

— Hosting and bandwidth will have to be resolved.

As I just found out about this at about the same time the rest of you have, you\’e2\’80\’99ll have to forgive my hurried, sloppy thoughts. A half hour isn\’e2\’80\’99t much time to create a balance, viable plan for the future of the site.

However, I wanted to let everyone know that I have no intention of letting the community I care about go anywhere in the near future.
