Join Our Merry Band Of Ne’er-Do-Wells!
Wanting to know what exactly my team’s been working on for the past year or so? Well, one sure way to find out is to join up so that you can sign all the required Ninja Domination Authorizations (NDA for short). Anyway, these are all going up on the PlayNC site shortly, but I’m jumping the line a bit, because a lot of you have expressed random degrees of interest already. Anyway, we’re currently looking for the following:
- Game Systems Engineer (3+ years C++ programming experience). You’ll be working with me directly, so you need a high tolerance for designers that smoke a lot of crack. Industry experience strongly preferred, but if you’re good enough, that’s negotiable. A passion bordering on mania for improving the current MMO state of the art is not negotiable.
- Server Engineer (5+ years C++ and Linux experience). You’ll be working with the guy I share an office with directly, so you’ll probably run into a lot of crack smoking designers. SQL and Lua knowledge a plus. If you spend all your free time playing MMOs, that’s also a plus.
- Tools Engineer (3+ years programming experience). SQL and Lua knowledge a plus, because it’s guaranteed you’ll be using both on the job. You’re going to be the guy the crack smoking designers yell at all the time. Doesn’t that sound exciting? I thought so. It’s how I started in the game industry, so don’t knock it.
- Senior Animator (3+ years experience, extensive experience rigging models). I can’t crack any jokes about the art positions. Experience with motion capture technology a plus. If you have a demo reel or animation simulations, those are pluses. You will be helping lead an art team on a really cool project.
- Senior Modeler (3+ years experience, 2 shipped products (games/movies/TV) to credit). I still can’t crack any jokes about the art positions. Links to online samples of your work are huge pluses. You will be helping lead an art team on a really cool project.
- Senior World Builder (2+ years experience) You will be the first of many, so experience is really required. You will be working directly with the design lead that doesn’t smoke crack, although the design lead that does smoke crack (me) will probably kibitz about your work a lot. You will be on the ground floor of building a really cool MMO.
Job atmosphere is chaos, but fun chaos. We’ve done really well so far at fostering a small, agile guerilla team within a larger company, so if you like small, agile teams where people crack jokes and stuff gets done, drop me a line. Did I mention this was a really cool project?
These positions are in Austin, Texas. If you’re outside the US, you’ll need to be able to provide H1Bs. And no, I can’t talk about the project. Unless, you know, you come in for an interview and sign a lot of forms. If you do that, well, imagine me not being able to talk about what I’ve been working on for a whole year. It kind of scares people when I buffer dump, actually.
So if this all sounds like your brand of craziness, drop me a line at sjennings at and we’ll get the ball rolling.