Proof that good ideas don’t die – they slouch towards Bethlehem, waiting to be reborn. As… well…
You may have had bad experiences playing RWK in the past, the people were mean, the items were too expensive, and it seemed like all the kingdoms were already taken… but that is no longer the case.
Race War Kingdoms has now launched a second server and everyone who decides to play there must start from scratch! Now is your chance to find a quiet corner of the world for you to begin building your empire and enhancing your skills.
Perhaps you think RWK is only for the players willing to spend a lot of cash… not anymore! There are only a couple of low priced upgrades that you can optionally purchase – the vast majority of the items that once costed hundreds of dollars are now questable for free.
RWK now also has its own version of Texas Hold ’em Poker where you can gamble your game items with other players. Earning items yourself is fun, but it’s more fun taking them from others!
From everyone at Race War Kingdoms we wish you happy holidays!
Magic ping code, flying axe-dwarves, screaming message boards — all this has led us to Texas Race War: Hold’em Kingdoms. Thank you, and welcome to 2005.