I got this mail from, um, Microsoft.
Getting through the most challenging World of Warcraft dungeons, such as Icecrown Citadel and Ulduar, can take hours. Hours that could be spent advancing and finding that next orange drop. WoW players need a secret weapon to help them make more informed decisions when they need them the most maximize XP gains, get the best loot and become a legend of Azeroth. This secret weapon is now available. just launched the Top WoW Items visual search gallery, the unique weapon WoW players can use to find what they need fast and get back to the raid. The Bing visual search gallery reels in data from’s player-sourced database and organizes it in a visually easy-to-navigate way. Other ways the visual search gallery helps players strengthen and speed up their WoW game include:
· More than 3,000 images of quests, raids and items to get all the right information.
· Easy filtering of information by zone, type of quest, required level, type of item and more for easy navigation.
· Details about loot drops at the end of each arduous raid to increase stats and complete quests.In addition, the Bing visual search gallery will feature helpful content and commentary from the WoW blogging community. When a blogger, such as yourself, writes about any items within the gallery, a link back to that blog post will be featured on that item’s visual search page.
Go to the Bing visual search gallery to look for exactly what’s needed within moments to get back and conquer the raid. For more details, check out this Bing blog post.