MSNBC has an article detailing exploiting and its effects on the online gaming industry.
I thought this quote was interesting:
\’e2\’80\’9cWe will try to stop cheating, but we know we can\’e2\’80\’99t,\’e2\’80\’9d says Mark Jacobs, CEO of game developer Mythic Entertainment in Fairfax, Va. \’e2\’80\’9cAnyone in this industry who tells you they can deal with hacking is a liar.\’e2\’80\’9d
This quote frightened me:
Online gaming is expected to grow from 39 million players in 2000 to 74.7 million in 2004, according to market researcher International Data Corporation.
And this quote confused me:
. . . since cyber contests on the scale of the National Football League are expected to generate huge ad revenues in the future.
Thanks to SuperMikey for the heads-up.