Project Entropia Phase II Beta Test Update

Preparations target late August start

Gothenburg, Sweden – August 2, 2001 – MindArk AB, the developer of the

ground-breaking Project Entropia virtual world, revealed today that

preparations for Phase II of its beta test are progressing towards a

probable starting date late this month. As previously announced,

approximately 500 new testers will be added that time, joining the

50 who have been participating in the initial phase since May.

At this time, our plan is to send out notices to the selected

applicants by around the middle of this month, most likely during

the week of August 13 to 17,\’e2\’80\’9d said MindArk Marketing Manager Patric

Sundstrom. \’e2\’80\’9cNaturally, we will have to allow some time for their

replies to reach us and for distribution of the Beta II CDs, but we

think this can be done within a reasonable amount of time. We don\’e2\’80\’99t

want to set an exact date until we\’e2\’80\’99re certain, but as of this moment,

our projection is that if all goes well, we will be ready for Phase

II to begin by the end of August.\’e2\’80\’9d

Project Entropia is a revolutionary new form of Internet-based

interactive entertainment that will be made available at no initial

cost and with no subscription fees to millions of Internet users

around the world. In the roles of human colonists on the virtual

planet Calypso, they will be able to meet and socialize or adventure

into wilderness areas where they will face challenges from wild

indigenous creatures and invading robots. Prospective beta testers

may still apply at

Information about Project Entropia can be found on the official

website at

MindArk ( develops technology solutions

that address the entertainment needs of millions of Internet users.

With novel applications in the interactive entertainment sector and

browser infrastructure, MindArk is a world leader in expanding

the new universe.