No, You Should Not Ask Mr. Jennings
Apparently having a pedophile with my name in the news wasn’t good enough, now it turns out that I also have a namesake who works for the Prince of Darkness.
In this clip, Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) grills her on a PowerPoint presentation (pdf) given by Karl Rove’s deputy Scott Jennings to GSA personnel in January.
Loan doesn’t have a good answer for Braley’s questions, stuttering out “I don’t recall”s and something about how the meeting was a “brown bag lunch” for the purpose of “team building.” You should “ask Mr. Jennings,” she says.
The Comedy division of the Greater Jennings Imperium is already on the case. We’re revoking the franchise for the Pointless Powerpoint Bureaucracy division POST HASTE. After all, you expect quality from the name Scott Jennings, right? (Don’t answer that, you.)