*starts with a newbie in orc helm* This is the true story *blinks away to murderer in a black dress with two daemons following him* of 40 strangers picked to live in a jail cell *blinks away to an almost dead person lying on the ground* to see what happens when people stop being polite *blinks away to two players, one looking rather gruff and in full plate (sitting) and the other in his lap in a kilt (and nothing else)* and start getting real. The Real (?) World. *blinks away to an almost nude thief running from someone’s pet nightmare* Ultima Online.
And just in case you thought smurfs could macro with impunity, we have this;
I have inside info that on the Atlantic shard there is a Counselor by the name of Counselor Crom, who was caught macroing, on the SP shard, rather then banning him, and removing him from the Counselor program, they decided to treat him as a dog, and make him wear a tag on his Counselor char that says “-Suspend” he cant council for 2 weeks, but has to be in irc during his shift. Shard Lead Counselor (SLC) decided to humiliate him, publicly, rather then banning him… Treat a volunteer like a animal, rather then being quiet about this, and let it slid just this once, or rather then letting him go… This was SLC Damsel’s decision as to what to do with him, as far as punishment went…
Just thought you may want to know that, being this is totally a case of a Powertripped Shard Lead Counselor, using her powers, rather then doing what was stronly said about Counselors, which was, they will be banned if caught, unattended macroing…