STRATICS OWNS ME [Author: Lum the Mad]

But only because, you know, I sat in EQHoC. Which I could probably post a transcript of, except that this last note at the end frightened and confused me:

[Greebo] While we are happy to invite non Stratics web sites to reproduce transcripts of this House of Commons, the transcript of this Chat is copyrighted by Stratics, and anyone wishing to post a transcript of this chat must provide links back to both on the page where the transcript is posted as well as in any news announcements presented on the hosting site, or sent to other sites.

Then again, maybe if I link to EQ Stratics several times in rapid succession they won’t go David Boies on my ass.

Hmm, one of those looks off. Oh well. But it should be good enough to get away with a brief quote:

[Absor] Nerf bat is no drop.

THERE YOU HAVE it. Courtesy of EQ STRATICS and don’t you forget it. I’m sure they’ll have the entire transcript up shortly, once it is examined for rogue proxy ports.

Copyright and trademarked. Registration applied for. Patent pending. (C) 1966-2000 Lum the Mad, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lum’s Other Half.