Well, This Isn't Confusing At All
Let’s see, you have lumthemad.net which used to be some ranty blog or another, and is NOT lumthemad.com, which features a blonde woman reading a newspaper and a link to stories about the female libido, and MOST DEFINITELY not lumthemad.org which is another site entirely, and it points to brokentoys.org, which is not brokentoys.com, or even brokentoys.co.uk, which has a picture of a baby. Mind you it’s quite a nice baby, but has nothing to do with this site. lumthemad.net, that is. lumthemad.com points to a domain collector and lumthemad.org is, as mentioned, another site entirely.
And now, thanks to Massively, I see there’s a new site at lumethemad.com. Which seems to be quite a nice blog and is actually sort of relevantly about MMOs, but come on, people. Right now I seem to own 2% of the web domains relating to my own jolly pirate nickname, and it’s dwindling.
It’s a good thing no one uses URLs any more and just stabs random words into Google. This last week people found my blog via the following search phrases:
toys of killers
whores of warcraft
my life console
whores of warcraft miarose
rape games
jonathan yantis
i see what you did there
In related news, the Internet is now closed. Please go find some air or sun or something. I plan on playing Diablo 2 all weekend, myself. Let’s see if I can get up to 20 summoned skeletons!