WHO WILL CRY IT JOINS HAND? [Author: Lum the Mad]
To the Sea, with the mote E founder who will cry it joins hand?
li The Chad dog li stocks assignment of crooked, huge amount it receives,
To (week) the Sea soft ` the mote E which will cry ` is the founder of series, li the Chad dog li the Robert dog which is a crooked (one person road pu li mote swi) with his elder brother li it assigns the stocks of crooked huge amount, the game industry flies the interest which it gets up.
To the Sea soft published the dog li in the crooked sibling 292500 weeks shoes week it published in 3rd sleeping assignment type, 14 days.
To the squaring good division chief of two securities ” corresponds to the whole stocks medicine 6% of Sea soft the dog li the equity of the crooked sibling ` li ni ci ` is the developer on a absurd scale, song the count ” this it is higher the staying in Seoul director (medicine 4%) more it explained.
To the Sea soft 17 days which come 15 days revealed a whole world discussion from the \}e\{3 which is opened that it sends a company one announcement with relation. From already it is guessing with the fact that it will announce the company one contents the Sea soft li the Chad dog li crooked regarding from the industry.
The recently game development company place su mote you syen game su thing which it founds li become known the crooked sibling will open to the public a new production game from this time \}e\{3 an authenticity in such guess and you become worse.
[ Three journalists Kim anselmo@chosun.com ]
Yeah. What they said.