A Brief History of 30 Years of Objectification of Commander Deanna Troi
I've always enjoyed this cartoon flaying of Star Trek: The Next Generation (a show I dearly love) which among many other things called out the show for having a character who was a woman who was empathetic towards what other people felt as if she was some sort of SPACE WIZARD.

Personally, I thought TNG nailed it when during "Chains of Command", the asshole captain who took over temporarily took one look at her space-wizard outfit and said, "YOU WILL BE IN STANDARD UNIFORM ON MY BRIDGE" and she DID and for the REST OF THE SERIES she did (to the great relief of the actress, Marina Sirtis, who was really tired of having her own space leotard.)

Yet another legacy of Gene Roddenberry (who actually tried to write Ferengi as sex wizards) cast aside. For the better; not only is the character less objectified, but a regular uniform is also far more flattering.

And by the time Picard arrived to slam nostalgia over all our heads, she finally got to wear whatever the hell she wanted, the secret joy of every veteran.