It's Integral

The Illiberal Right Throws a Tantrum - The Atlantic
I'm seeing a word more and more pop up in the screeds of the right-wing thinkers trying to come up with an ideological justification for that which cannot be justified (Trump's ego-driven regime) - "integralism". Or, in language not married to the 19th century, religious rule over the state.
How anyone could come up with this as a justification for the rule of a reflexively dishonest and only minimally monogamous leader serves to describe how empty the "rad-trad" wing of the far right truly is.
As best I can determine from the writings of the rad-trad's current bête noire, the NY Post's Sohrab Ahmari, the objective is to "own the libs" so much they give up and... die? go meekly into camps? convert?
The end game is helpfully unclear.