Kotick Can't Seem To Pay Anyone, Really

Bobby Kotick loses lawsuit over refusing to pay legal fees for a sexual harassment suit.
In his ruling the arbitrator described Kotick’s approach to the Madvig case as a “scorched earth defense” and cited numerous statements allegedly made by the Activision CEO during his dispute with the former flight attendant.
Describing a May 2007 meeting with Abu-Assal and Cove’s chief financial officer, the arbitrator wrote that “Mr. Kotick wanted to destroy the other side and not to pay Ms. Madvig anything.... Mr. Kotick realized this was not a good business proposition, but said ‘that he was worth one-half billion dollars and he didn’t mind spending some of it on attorneys’ fees.’”
Apparently, he then decided later that yes, he did actually mind.
In September 2007, Glaser and Kotick discussed what he and Gordon, who were paying the legal bills, owed the law firm, according to a court filing. The next month, Kotick sent a check for $200,000 along with a letter that said it was full settlement of the firm’s fees and costs. Glaser disagreed, claiming that the total owed was slightly more than $1 million.
Kotick also displays some of his previously noted ethics and charm.
At a settlement negotiation with Madvig and her attorneys later that month, as described by the arbitrator, “Mr. Kotick said ‘he would not be extorted and that he would ruin the Plaintiff and her attorney and see to it that Ms. Madvig would never work again.’”
(hat tip: @leighalexander)