Uncategorized (yet) Life After Metaplace: Somewhere Near Farmville Metaplace launches a beta version of their new Facebook game.
A Brief Note On Immigration Boris Johnson, Britain's Prime Minister/lad with the best haircut, recently said the following: “When the Roman Empire fell, it was largely as a result of uncontrolled immigration. The empire could no longer control its borders, people came in… and Europe went into a dark ages that lasted
The Internet Is For Spam Thanks for reminding me to upgrade Wordpress, random script kiddie! Apologies to everyone else for having this long-moribund artifact of a more civilized age suddenly arising from its slumber to activate your tracking mechanisms. As an apology, here's a song about the Internet. See you again in 3
The Adventures Of Mikhail Tukhachevsky And Albert Speer In The Twentieth Century So checking in on Hearts of Iron 4 mods, and TNO got a big update. TNO = The New Order, and it's probably the second most ambitious mod for HOI4 (Kaiserreich is a close first just on sheer content). The lead developer wrote it as a visceral reaction to