Democratic Party SUPPORTS Terrorist Attacks On Theramore! Vote GOP!

but... orcs actually
*like* Mitt Romney... This one definitely goes in the oh-god-I-could-SO-not-make-this-up-file. Let's hear it from the Maine Republican Party on one candidate for the state legislature, shall we?
Colleen Lachowicz, AKA Santiaga, is a gamer in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game World of Warcraft(WoW), which takes place in the make-believe land Azeroth. Today, Colleen/Santiaga is an orc assassination rogue playing at level 85–the highest level one can attain. She and the members of her “Wreck List Guild”—Colleen/Santiaga’s WoW online alliance—post comments to each other on liberal online forums including the Daily Kos, where they discuss politics, military policies, and WoW battle tactics. Studies have found the average WoW gamer is 28, and spends 22.7 hours a week playing in Azeroth.
Note that the Maine GOP feels it necessary to remind everyone that the world of Azeroth does not actually exist, yet then continues to attack Lachowicz for anti-social behavior in said fantasy world.

You're in Blizzard's world! Bad Democrat! No cookie! (click to enlarge) Other things the Maine GOP attack Colleen for include being a slacker, reading Daily Kos, using bad language, taking Eminem videos seriously, participating in Brewfest as an ogre, and having a uterus. In case you were curious on if this was an official initiative or just some Tea Party crank yelling at clouds for being so gosh-darned high up in the sky? The Maine GOP site is having technical difficulties this morning, but I promise this was there last I checked:
Democratic Senate Candidate Colleen Lachowicz’s Disturbing Alter-Ego Revealed
...“These are some very bizarre and offensive comments, and they certainly raise questions about Lachowicz’s maturity and her ability to make serious decisions for the people of Senate District 25,” said Maine Republican Party spokesman David Sorensen.
The Maine Republican Party will make an effort to give voters all of the information about candidate Lachowicz. To that end, the party has established a website,, where people can see Lachowicz’s online activity for themselves...
I think I can safely speak for everyone who reads this blog (which at this point consists mainly of other game developers and devoted inside baseball fans but STILL) that I firmly support a candidate for office like Colleen Lachowicz who actually is a connected and social member of society, whom, like millions of other happy and well-adjusted people, choose to be happy and well-adjusted by way of stabbing Internet Dragons in the face. I've already contacted Ms. Lachowicz's office asking for a link to really the only proper response: a link for donations to her campaign. Because, dammit, we NEED more mohawk Orc ladies representing us. Even if they're not combat spec. Edit: Her response to my request/this story:
Thanks for standing up to support me. While I cannot accept contributions personally (I am a publicly financed candidate), other organizations are raising money. For more information on how to donate, and learn about other ways to help the campaign, please head to my website here: I have no comment on Theramore at this time.
More coverage: Maine Online Sentinel, Kotaku, Wonkette