I Am Not Making Any Of This Up And Really Kind Of Wish I Were

9/11/2012: The US Consulate in Benghazi is overrun by heavily armed militants during a demonstration and several people are killed. Among them are the US Ambassador to Libya and one of his aides, Sean Smith, better known among Eve Online players as "Vile Rat", chief diplomatic officer of Goonswarm.
While online Eve players (who previously were known chiefly for hating each other to the point of violence) united to commemorate Smith, the attack becomes a political football in the US Presidential campaign.
Glenn Beck figures out the real story behind Sean Smith's death: Goonswarm Is Literally The CIA.

...and he noticed that they're watching all three [exits]. What does he do? Nah, he doesn't call the White House, he doesn't call the State Department, the, uh, embasssy in Tripoli. He calls a gaming website. Which is the first thing I would do. I'm like, I gotta check with my pals on the gaming website. And he writes: "We're in Benghazi. At a safehouse. If we get out of this one alive, I'll let you know. There are people watching all three exits." Gang... he's not telling his friendly gamers. He's a CIA agent. He is telling people - this is where we are, help us! ...
I don't understand how anyone could ever even begin to...

Oh. Well, OK.
From George "the Mittani" Soros' website comments:
Welp, guys. I'm going to have to find a new game to relay messages from. Glenn Beck is too smart for the ole CIA.
Longtime readers of this blog, of course, will know that I predicted this four years ago. I am still not making any of this up.